【更新】ポリゴンエコシステムトークン(POL)の取扱い開始のお知らせ / Launching Polygon Ecosystem Token (POL)

2024年9月5日 13:30〜14:30頃にPOL(Polygonネットワーク)出金開始を予定しておりましたが、現在遅延しており、15:30頃の受付開始となる見込みです。
*English translation below.
過去にお知らせしました通り、Polygon LabsはPolygon 2.0構想を発表し、その一環として、Polygonネットワーク上のネイティブトークンをMATICからPOLに切り替える計画を発表しました。

- 2024年9月4日10:00 〜 11:00の間、システムメンテナンスのため、すべての機能をご利用いただくことができません。
- 2024年9月3日10:00より、Ethereum上のMATICは入出金停止いたします。
- Ethereum上のMATICの出金申請が集中した場合、移行に伴う作業の都合上、対応できない可能性があるため、余裕を持った出金申請をお願いいたします。
- 入出金停止後に入金されたEthereum上のMATICについては、資産として反映されず、回復処理を行うことはできないことにご留意ください。
- 2024年9月4日10:00以降はMATICの取引および入出金はご利用いただけません。また、2024年9月4日11:30頃に、MATICの取引所での注文はすべて強制キャンセルされます。お手数をおかけしますが、POLの注文受付が開始されましたら、改めてご注文いただきますようお願いいたします。
- MATICからPOLへの移行後、MATICのチャートは引き継がれないことにご留意ください。
- MATICに関する以下の履歴はこれまで通りご確認いただくことができます。
- 取引所の注文・取引履歴
- 販売所の売買履歴
- 貸して増やすの履歴
- 入出金履歴
ポリゴンエコシステムトークン(POL) について
- 暗号資産の名称:ポリゴンエコシステムトークン
- シンボル:POL
- 単価:75.20円(2024年8月26日時点)
- 当社対応ネットワーク:Polygon
通貨ペア | 呼値 | 最小注文数量/取引単位 | 最大注文数量 | 最大注文数量 |
POL/JPY | 0.001 JPY | 0.0001 POL | 3,000,000 POL | 30,000 POL |
通貨ペア | 最小注文数量/取引単位 | 最大注文数量/取引単位 |
POL/JPY | 0.00000001 POL | 50,000 POL |
取引ペア | パラメータ |
POL/JPY | pol_jpy |
※ matic_jpyについては、MATICからPOLへの移行に伴いご利用できなくなりますので、パラメータのご変更をお願いいたします。
適用日: POLの取扱開始時点
- 取扱暗号資産の概要
- 金銭の入出金および暗号資産の送受信
サービスの詳細は、「暗号資産を貸して増やす」の利用規約および取引ルール をご確認ください。
Thank you for using the services of bitbank.
As previously announced, Polygon Labs announced the Polygon 2.0 initiative, which includes a plan to switch Polygon's native token from MATIC to POL.
bitbank will support the migration from MATIC to POL according to the migration schedule detailed below and POL will be listed on Thursday, September 5th, 2024
About the transition schedule
bitbank has planned the following schedule for the migration from MATIC to POL.
Please note that the times in the migration schedule below are subject to change.

- All functions will be unavailable due to system maintenance from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM on September 4, 2024.
- From 10:00 AM on September 3, 2024, deposits and withdrawals of MATIC on Ethereum will be suspended.
- If there is a sudden increase in MATIC withdrawal requests on Ethereum, we may not be able to process them due to the migration process. Therefore, we kindly ask that you submit your withdrawal requests well in advance.
- Please note that any MATIC on Ethereum deposited after the suspension of deposits and withdrawals will not be reflected as an asset, and recovery processing will not be possible.
- As of 10:00 AM on September 4, 2024, MATIC trading, deposits, and withdrawals will no longer be available. Additionally, around 11:30 AM on September 4, 2024, all MATIC orders on the exchange will be forcibly canceled. We apologize for the inconvenience, and kindly ask that you place your orders again once POL order acceptance begins.
- Please note that after the migration from MATIC to POL, the MATIC charts will not be carried over.
- Please note that even after the migration, you will still be able to view the following MATIC-related histories as before:
- Exchange order history and trading history
- Buy & Sell Crypto (OTC) trading history
- "Lending for Interest" history
- Deposit and withdrawal history
About Polygon Ecosystem Token (POL)
The Polygon Ecosystem Token is an Ethereum sidechain project that aims to increase transaction speed and reduce costs on the blockchain. POL can be used on the Polygon network for governance voting, staking, and paying transaction fees.
- Name of Crypto Asset: Polygon Ecosystem Token
- Symbol: POL
- Unit Price: 75.20 JPY (as of August 26, 2024 JST)
- Supported Network on bitbank: Polygon
Services and Trading Rules
The following POL pairs will be added to the trading pairs on the exchange and Buy & Sell Crypto (OTC) services.
Order Rules of the Spot Exchange Service
Pair | Tick Size | Minimum Order Volume | Maximum Order Volume | Maximum Order Volume |
POL/JPY | 0.001 JPY | 0.0001 POL | 3,000,000 POL | 30,000 POL |
Order Rules of the OTC Service
Pair | Minimum Order Volume | Maximum Order Volume |
POL/JPY | 0.00000001 POL | 50,000 POL |
For API users
There are no changes to the response for the current API endpoints.
Data for the new pair can be acquired using the following parameters.
Pair | Parameter |
POL/JPY | pol_jpy |
※ Regarding matic_jpy, it will no longer be available due to the migration from MATIC to POL, please change the parameters.
About New Listing Mode
When listing new crypto assets on the spot exchange, we will start trading using the Itayose (periodic call auction trading) method in order to prevent sudden price fluctuations.
For more details on the Itayose method ("New Listing Mode") for new listings, please refer to the following circuit breaker system explanation page.
URL: https://bitbank.cc/docs/circuit-breaker-mode
Revision of our Information Memorandum and Pre-Contract Document
With the addition of the new crypto assets, we will revise the content of the Information Memorandum and Pre-Contract Document as listed in the URL below.
URL: https://bitbank.cc/about/prior-confirmation/
Updated on: the same date and time as POL are listed
The main changes are as follows:
- Overview of crypto assets
- Deposit/withdrawal of JPY, Sending/receiving crypto assets
About MATIC lent out in "Lending for Interest"
As of the start of maintenance on September 4, 2024, any MATIC currently lent out through the "Lending for Interest" service will be migrated to POL, and the "Lending for Interest" service will continue.
"Lending for Interest" is a service that allows customers to participate in a loan agreement with bitbank and receive crypto assets at a maximum annual rate of 5%. When the year-long contract expires, bitbank will return the crypto assets lent by the participant along with interest.
※The annual rate is determined by bitbank and ranges from 0.1% to 5.0% for each subscription month.
Service introduction for Lending for Interest
Service page on bitbank.cc: Lending for Interest
For further details, please check the following pages: Service Agreement / Trading Rules
POL is a cryptocurrency that is circulated on multiple networks, including the Polygon network.
At the time of starting listing, we will list POL on the Polygon network.
Therefore, please note that we cannot handle deposits or withdrawals from any network other than the Polygon network. When depositing or withdrawing POL, be sure to select the Polygon network to prevent erroneous transfers.
Thank you for your continued support.