- お知らせ/
- 2020年1月2日:Ethereum Muir Glacierアップグレードに係るETHの預入・引出停止のお知らせ/January 2, 2020 : Suspension of ETH deposits and withdrawals, due to Ethereum's Muir Glacier update
2020年1月2日:Ethereum Muir Glacierアップグレードに係るETHの預入・引出停止のお知らせ/January 2, 2020 : Suspension of ETH deposits and withdrawals, due to Ethereum's Muir Glacier update
2020/01/03 10:00
2020年1月2日 (木) 16:30:00ごろ、イーサリアム(ETH)の計画されたハードフォーク(EIP 2387: Muir Glacier)が予定されております。これに伴い、当社は下記の期間においてETHの預入・引出を停止いたします。
ETH預入・引出停止予定日時:2020-01-02 (木) 10:00:00 〜 2020-01-03 (金) 10:00:00
Thank you for using bitbank.
At around 16:30:00 Thursday, January 2, 2020 Japan Standard Time, the planned hard fork (EIP 2387: Muir Glacier) for Ethereum (ETH) is scheduled. Accordingly, bitbank willl suspend deposits and withdrawals of ETH during the following period.
Scheduled ETH deposit / withdrawal suspension date: From Thursday, 2 January 10:00:00, 2020 to Friday, 3 January 10:00:00, 2020, Japan Standard Time
Buying and selling virtual currencies, deposit and withdraw of Japanese yen, and deposit and withdraw of other virtual currencies can be processed as usual.
Depending on the status of the blockchain, the scheduled suspension date and time for deposit and withdrawal may change. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience this may cause.
Thank you for your continued support for bitbank.