bitbank for International Companies

bitbank provides custom services for instutional traders and services located outside of Japan.

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Some facts about bitbank

1.bitbank operates a crypto currency spot exchange in Japan

2.bitbank is officially licensed by the Financial Services Agency

3.bitbank has a sizeable array of major trading pairs available

4.bitbank is one of the few exchanges allowing accounts for corporate entities registered outside of Japan

Algorithmic trading? We're here to help

Excellent API Connectivity

With near-zero downtime, bitbank provides API connectivity for various endpoints, in the form of REST and Real-time Stream API

Excellent API Connectivity Image
Specialized Programs for High Volume Traders Image

Specialized Programs for High Volume Traders

VIP users are subject to specialized programs including discounted fee tables, provision of multiple accounts and relaxed API rate limits, to name a few

Full English and Chinese Customer Support

Our multilingual account management team will guide you through KYC and setting up your account, along with providing service updates and propietary data

Full English and Chinese Customer Support Image
Alert Image

Personal (non-corporate) accounts for non-Japanese-residents are not accepted

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Corporations from countries and jurisdictions with weak measures to combat money laundering and terrorist financing (AML/CFT) are strictly prohibited

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Companies of countries that require licensing or those we may deem unfavorable based on legal or demographical tendencies may be restricted

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bitbank only supports Japanese Yen among fiat currencies. Additionally, users will not be able to withdraw their assets in Japanese Yen, and only in cryptocurrencies

Listed Crypto Assets, which is on the Financial Services Agency website, are simply assessed in terms of the definition of Payment Services Act, based on the description of each Crypto Assets Exchange.
The Financial Services Agency and Treasury don't guarantee the value of these Crypto Assets and constitute a recommendation. Crypto Assets does not necessarily have the underlying assets. Please note the following precautions when you trade.

Notes when trading Crypto Assets

Crypto Assets is not a "legal tender" such as JPY and USD, which guarantee its value. It is an electronic data Exchanged on the Internet. Crypto Assets can change the price inconstantly. It has the risk of being worthless suddenly nad the possibility of valuelessness. Crypto Assets Exchange is required to be licensed to the Financial Services Agency and Treasury. We are licensed Crypto Assets Exchange.
When you trade, please judge by yourself, after you are well-informed of and entirely understand trading.
Consultation about Crypto Assets and fraudulent coin are increasing. Please be aware of flaudulance and mallicious business which pretend to use Crypto Assets and introduce Crypto Assets Exchange business.


The contents, such as news, prices, data, and information on this web site are not meant to meet particular users' needs nor intended to respond to any users' financial conditions or investment targets, and are provided purely for information purposes. Additionally, such contents are provided by Bitbank, Inc. only for the users' private use, and not for commercial use. Any information on this web site is not meant to solicit or promote the buying, selling, investing, trading, and holding of any Crypto Assets and/or any individual financial products, and is not considered appropriate to use any such information for the purpose of decision-making for trading and/or buying and selling of such assets and products.
Although the contents on this web site is created based on reliable information, Bitbank, Inc. does not express or guarantee accuracy, timeliness, appropriateness, and faultlessness of such information, and will not take any responsibility for damages caused by users' use of such contents.
Bitbank, Inc. will make efforts to ensure reliability of the contents on this web site; however, any opinions and views provided by the authors are based on their own views and analysis at the time of writing, and are not views and analysis of Bitbank, Inc.
It is possible that Bitbank, Inc. holds relationships with entities referred in the contents on this web site, or providing Bitbank, Inc.s' services to such entities. Furthermore, it is possible that Bitbank, Inc. is maintaining spots, or keeping a certain position for Crypto Assets referred in the contents on this web site.
The contents on this web site may change without notice, and Bitbank, Inc. has no obligation to update such contents.
For the convenience of the users, Bitbank, Inc. may provide links from other websites not under the control of Bitbank, Inc., however, Bitbank, Inc. does not endorse contents on such linked websites and will not be responsible for such linked websites in any way.


Crypto Assets has a risk of losing its value in case there is a serious problem in transfer mechanism, and a problem of cyber attacks.
Crypto Assets has a risk of losing its value in case the user lose its secret key or is malused by a third party.
Crypto Assets can be used for payment of the price only with the consent of the person who receives the payment of the consideration.In the worst scenario, Bitbank, Inc. cannot continue its business anymore by the external environment and so on, it will conduct the legal procedure on the basis of applicable laws and regulations. However, it is probable for Bitbank, Inc. to fail to return deposited money and Crypto Assets to users. In this connection, Bitbank, Inc. keeps our assets separate from user's deposited money and Crypto Assets.
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