Announcement > Article
ビットバンクはデジタルアセットに特化した信託会社設立に向け、三井住友トラスト・ホールディングスとの間で出資に向けた基本合意書を締結いたしました。 / bitbank, inc., a crypto asset exchange operator, has signed a memorandum of understanding with Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Holdings, Inc. to establish a trust company specializing in digital assets

*English version is below.


ビットバンク株式会社(本社:東京都品川区、代表取締役社長:廣末 紀之、以下当社) と三井住友トラスト・ホールディングス株式会社(本社:東京都千代田区、取締役執行役社長:高倉 透、以下三井住友トラスト・ホールディングス)はデジタルアセットに特化した信託会社の設立に向けて、当社の子会社でその設立準備会社となる「日本デジタルアセットトラスト設立準備株式会社 ※略称 “JADAT”(Japan Digital Asset Trust Preparatory Company, inc.)」への三井住友トラスト・ホールディングスからの出資を含め共同で検討していくことに合意し、基本合意書(以下、MOU)を締結しましたので、お知らせいたします。



日本デジタルアセットトラスト設立準備株式会社(JADAT)* は、ビットバンク株式会社が有する最先端、国内最高セキュリティレベルの暗号資産管理に係るノウハウと、専業信託銀行グループである三井住友トラスト・グループが有する信託業務に係るノウハウを融合させたデジタルアセット** に係る資産管理サービスを行う信託会社の設立準備会社となる予定です。












  • 商号:日本デジタルアセットトラスト設立準備株式会社
  • 代表取締役:廣末 紀之
  • 事業内容:デジタルアセットカストディ事業
  • 会社HP:


当社が運営する暗号資産取引所「bitbank」は、2021年において月間平均の現物取引高 7,317 億円、国内現物取引高シェア33.7%(2021年4月時点)、顧客預かり資産は3,000億円超を記録するなど、急速に事業規模が拡大しております。国内の暗号資産市場のさらなる成長には、機関投資家の参入が不可欠です。当社の強みである暗号資産の管理技術、現物の流動性、強固なセキュリティを活かしながら、JADATを通じてデジタルアセットカストディ事業に貢献していくことで、暗号資産市場のさらなる発展に寄与してまいります。

会社名 ビットバンク株式会社 bitbank, inc.
代表者 代表取締役CEO 廣末紀之
住所 〒141-0031
東京都品川区西五反田7丁目20-9 KDX西五反田ビル7F
設立 2014年5月7日
資本金 86億4,721万円(資本準備金含む)
事業内容 暗号資産(仮想通貨)関連事業
関東財務局長(暗号資産交換業者)登録番号 第00004号
一般社団法人 日本暗号資産取引業協会(JVCEA)
一般社団法人 日本暗号資産ビジネス協会(JCBA)
一般社団法人 ブロックチェーン推進協会(BCCC)




Thank you for using bitbank.

We announce that bitbank, inc. (HQ: Shinagawa, Tokyo, Japan CEO: Noriyuki Hirosue; hereinafter referred to as the Company) and Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Holdings, Inc. (HQ: Chiyoda, Tokyo, Japan, Director, President: Toru Takakura, hereinafter referred to as SuMi TRUST Holdings) have signed a memorandum of understanding with the purpose to establish “Japan Digital Asset Trust Preparatory Company, inc. so-called “JADAT”” - which will be a preparatory company for the purpose of establishing a trust company specializing in digital assets. In the MOU, both parties agree to seek for the possibility of SuMi TRUST Holdings to invest in JADAT.


About Japan Digital Asset Trust Preparatory Company, inc. (JADAT)

Japan Digital Asset Trust Preparatory Company, inc. (JADAT) * will be a preparatory company for the purpose of establishing a trust company specializing in digital assets**. JADAT will have both the know-how of digital asset storage management system with Japan's most advanced and highest security level of the Company, and the know-how of trust business of SuMi TRUST Holdings, which is a specialized trust bank group.

*After the registration by the related authorities based on Trust Business Act, it is expected to change its business name to Japan Digital Asset Trust, inc..
**Refers to crypto assets, security tokens on public blockchain, stablecoins and NFTs.


JADAT will offer trust business and asset storage service to funds linked to the value of digital assets such as crypto assets, institutional investors and enterprises that provide the solution related to digital assets.


Background of the establishment

After 2020, especially in North America, a lot of digital assets related funds, custody businesses and market indexes were born. As digital assets started to be recognized as one of the asset classes, more institutional investors have entered into the digital asset market in the world.

In 2021, a bitcoin futures ETF was listed for the first time in the US and a crypto assets exchange operator (Coinbase) was listed on Nasdaq. As the investment environment has prepared further with these events, the digital asset market became brisk, similarly to 2017.
On the other hand, the expansion of use-cases of digital assets due to the development of games related to NFTs and of Metaverse boosted individual investors' entrance to the market which brought the inflow.

Although the number of individual investors increase in the Japanese digital asset market, Institutional investors do not follow - the reason for this is that there is no reliable trust company of digital assets in Japan.

For the enterprises that consider making the best use of stablecoins and NFTs, the lack of custody service is an obstructive factor for their full-scale business development.

To solve these problems, the Company, which has the strength on digital asset storage will improve the environment in order to facilitate the entrance of institutional investors in Japanese digital asset market through the launch of a company that safely store and manage digital assets jointly with SuMi TRUST Holdings, which holds Japan’s leading know-how of custody business.

About the new company

  • Name:Japan Digital Asset Trust Preparatory Company, inc.
  • CEO:Noriyuki Hirosue
  • Business content: Digital asset custody business
  • Website:

About bitbank, inc.

bitbank, inc. operates the Japanese crypto asset exchange “bitbank” - which has monthly domestic trade volume of 731.7 billion JPY, domestic trade volume share of 33.7% (as in April 2021) and deposits of clients of more than 300 billion JPY - is rapidly expanding its business scale. In order to expand the domestic crypto asset market, it is necessary that more institutional investors enter the market. With our strengths - crypto asset storage technology, liquidity of spot trades, strong security - we will contribute to the further expansion of the crypto asset market, through digital asset trust business with JADAT.

[Company name]
bitbank, inc.
Noriyuki Hirosue
141-0031 7th floor, KDX Nishigotanda Building, 7-20-9 Nishigotanda, Shinagawa, Tokyo, Japan
[Date of establishment]
May 7th, 2014
[Initial capital]
8,647.21 million JPY (Incl. capital reserves)
[Business description]
Crypto asset (cryptocurrency) related services
Registered crypto asset exchange operator, Registration No. 00004, issued by the Director of the Kanto Local Finance Bureau
Japan Virtual and Crypto assets Exchange Association (JVCEA)
Japan Crypto Asset Business Association (JCBA)
Blockchain Collaborative Consortium (BCCC)

bitbank will continue to carry out various activities to promote the spread of cryptocurrency.
