Announcement > Article
ビットバンク子会社のビットバンクエンターテインメント株式会社は GameFi スカラーマッチングサービス「FiKNOTS(ファイノッツ)」をリリースしました。/ Bitbank Entertainment, Inc. releases FiKNOTS, a GameFi scholarship matching platform.

*English version is below.


ビットバンク株式会社(本社:東京都品川区、代表取締役社長:廣末 紀之、以下当社)の子会社であるビットバンクエンターテインメント株式会社(本社:東京都品川区、代表取締役社長:田中 聡貴)は、 GameFi* におけるスカラーシップ制度のマッチングサービスである「FiKNOTS(ファイノッツ)」をリリースしたことをお知らせいたします。


*GameFi は、ゲームに DeFi(分散型金融)の要素を組み合わせたブロックチェーンゲーム全般のこと


FiKNOTS は GameFi におけるスカラーシップ制度**のマッチングサービスです。

**GameFi において、NFTを保有している人(マネージャー)が、NFTを借りたい人(スカラー)に対し、NFT 或いはゲームアカウントを貸し出し、スカラーはそれらを利用してゲームプレイし、獲得した報酬を分け合う制度です。

FiKNOTS は GameFi のスカラーシップ制度を利用したいマネージャーとスカラーに対して、効率的なマッチングを提供し、その実績の可視化・蓄積をサポートします。


現状は、GameFi の火付け役となり、スカラーシップ制度の礎を築いた Axie infinity というゲームのスカラーシップマッチングに対応しており、サービスサイトは日本語、英語など4ヶ国語に対応しております。



ビットバンクエンターテインメント株式会社はビットバンクの100%子会社であり、今回リリースした FiKNOTS(ファイノッツ)を主な事業として推進しております。

設立日:2022 年 5 月
代表取締役社長:田中 聡貴
本社:東京都品川区西五反田7丁目20-9 KDX西五反田ビル7F

FiKNOTS にご関心のある GameFi 関連事業者様のお問い合わせは、下記コンタクトフォームにて受け付けております。



Thank you for using bitbank.

"We are pleased to announce Bitbank Entertainment, Inc. (headquartered in Shinagawa, Tokyo, Japan; CEO: Toshiki Tanaka) has officially launched FiKNOTS, a GameFi scholarship matching platform.

Bitbank Entertainment, Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of bitbank, inc. (also headquartered in Shinagawa, Tokyo, Japan; CEO: Noriyuki Hirosue). bitbank, inc. operates 'bitbank', one of the largest Japanese crypto asset exchange in the country.

*Note: 'GameFi' is a portmanteau that combines elements of DeFi (decentralized finance) and gaming. It refers to blockchain-based games that incorporate financial activities."

**Note: 'Scholarship' is a popular practice in GameFi titles where NFT owners (managers) lend their NFTs or game accounts to other players (scholars) and earn passively from battle rewards. The term "scholarship" was introduced by a game called Axie Infinity, a leading blockchain game.


■ FiKNOTS Overview
FiKNOTS is a platform that allows gamers to find GameFi scholarships. Gamers can find their best partners for GameFi scholarships through FiKNOTS.

FiKNOTS efficiently matches managers and scholars who want to take advantage of GameFi's scholarship program and helps them visualize and accumulate their achievements and rewards.


Available in four languages including English and Japanese, FiKNOTS currently supports scholarship matching for Axie infinity, the first game to introduce GameFi's scholarship system.

FiKNOTS will continue to develop more features and support additional game titles for gamers in more countries and regions.

■ Bitbank Entertainment, Inc.
Bitbank Entertainment, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of bitbank, inc., is the main endorser of the FiKNOTS project.

Company name: Bitbank Entertainment, Inc.
Service URL:
CEO: Toshiki Tanaka
Address: 141-0031 7th floor, KDX Nishigotanda Building, 7-20-9 Nishigotanda, Shinagawa, Tokyo, Japan
Date of establishment: May, 2022

■ About bitbank, inc.
bitbank was founded in May 2014 for the steady spread of crypto assets such as Bitcoin. In July 2015, bitbank launched a bitcoin futures exchange, called bitbank Trade (until April 2019) for the first time in Japan of this kind of service. In March 2017, bitbank launched the crypto asset spot trading exchange "" and is growing as the largest exchange by its spot trading volume. The founder, Noriyuki Hirosue, also has some other leading roles of essential organizations in the industry such as the director of Japan Virtual and Crypto assets Exchange Association (Self-Regulatory Organization), and the chairman of Japan Cryptocurrency Business Association.

Company name: bitbank, inc.
Service URL:
CEO: Noriyuki Hirosue
Address: 141-0031 7th floor, KDX Nishigotanda Building, 7-20-9 Nishigotanda, Shinagawa, Tokyo, Japan
Date of establishment: May 7th, 2014
Initial capital: 8,647.21 million JPY (Incl. capital reserves)

Business description:
Crypto asset (cryptocurrency) related services
Registered crypto asset exchange operator, Registration No. 00004, issued by the Director of the Kanto Local Finance Bureau

Japan Virtual and Crypto assets Exchange Association (JVCEA)
Japan Crypto Asset Business Association (JCBA)
