*English version is below.
ビットバンク株式会社*(本社:東京都品川区、代表取締役社長:廣末 紀之、以下当社) は、国内の暗号資産取引所として初めて**、情報セキュリティマネジメントシステム(ISMS)の国際標準規格である「ISO/IEC 27001:2013/JIS Q 27001:2014」認証を取得したことをお知らせいたします。
ISMS は情報セキュリティマネジメントシステム(Information Security Management System)の略であり、組織の情報を安全に管理することを目的として、「機密性」「完全性」「可用性」といった情報セキュリティの3要素を保護するための体系的な仕組みです。ISMSには技術的な対策以外にも、従業員の教育・訓練、組織体制の整備が含まれます。
今回のISMS認証取得によって、暗号資産取引所の企画、開発、運用の範囲において、当社の構築したISMSが国際標準規格「ISO/IEC 27001:2013/JIS Q 27001:2014」に基づいて適切に運用されていることが認証されました。
国内の暗号資産取引所が ISMS認証を取得することは初の事例**となります。
*認証取得組織:ビットバンク株式会社 経営管理部門、リスク管理部門、プロダクト部門、システム部門
**当社調べ 2022 年 3 月 3 日時点
- 認証規格:ISO/IEC27001:2013, JIS Q 27001:2014
- 認証番号:4672633
- 認証登録範囲:暗号資産取引所の企画、開発、運用
- 認証取得組織:ビットバンク株式会社 経営管理部門、リスク管理部門、プロダクト部門、システム部門
- 認証日 :2022年2月3日
- 審査機関 :ビューローベリタスジャパン株式会社
Thank you for always using bitbank.
We announce that bitbank, inc. (HQ: Shinagawa, Tokyo, Japan; CEO: Noriyuki Hirosue; hereinafter referred to as the company) has become the first Japanese cryptocurrency exchange* to be certified to ISO/IEC 27001:2013, the internationally recognized standard for information security which sets out the specification for an information security management system (ISMS) and also to the Japanese industrial standard JIS Q 27001:2014.
With our acquisition of the ISMS certificate, it is proved that our ISMS meets the international standard ISO/IEC 27001:2013 and Japanese industrial standard JIS Q 27001:2014 in the scope of planning, development and operation of cryptocurrency exchange.
bitbank became the first Japanese cryptocurrency exchange to be certified to Information security management system (ISMS)**
*certified divisions: business administration division, risk management division, product division and system divisions of the company
**As of 3rd March 2022 according to our research
Background of the acquisition of the ISMS certification
bitbank, inc., as a cryptocurrency exchange operator, we believe that managing safely the information regarding clients’ assets, transactions and personal information is one of our most crucial functions. We acquired the ISMS certification as one of our efforts to enable our clients to use our service at ease.
Overview of the acquisition of the ISMS certification
- Certified standards: ISO/IEC 27001:2013 and JIS Q 27001:2014
- Certificate number: 4672633
- Scope of supply: Planning, development and operation of crypto asset exchange
- Certified divisions: business administration division, risk management division, product division and system division of bitbank, inc.
- Approval date: 3rd February 2022
- Examination body: Bureau Veritas Japan Co., Ltd.
It is necessary to implement and maintain the high security level and operation standards established by the Financial Services Agency in order to operate as a cryptocurrency exchange in Japan.
As a leading cryptocurrency exchange in Japan, we will continue to make efforts to improve our security management system - the acquisition of the ISMS certificate is one of them.
bitbank will engage in a wide range of activities in order to spread the cryptocurrency.