Announcement > Article
ビットバンクは株式会社ミクシィと株式会社セレスより約75億円の資金調達を実施することをお知らせいたします。/ bitbank, inc. a crypto asset exchange operator, will close a funding round of 7.5 billion JPY from mixi, Inc. and Ceres Inc.

※English version is below.

ビットバンク株式会社(本社:東京都品川区、代表取締役社長:廣末 紀之、以下当社) は株式会社ミクシィ(本社:東京都渋谷区、代表取締役社長:木村 弘毅、以下ミクシィ)と資本業務提携契約を締結し、同社を引受先とした第三者割当増資で約70億円、および既存株主株式会社セレス(本社:東京都世田谷区、代表取締役社長:都木 聡、以下セレス)からの追加出資5億円と合わせ、総額約75億円の資金調達を実施することをお知らせいたします。







  • 廣末紀之(代表取締役社長、創業者):31.4%
  • 株式会社ミクシィ:26.2%
  • 株式会社セレス:22.4%


  1. 決議日 2021年9月2日
  2. 契約締結日 2021年9月2日


株式会社ミクシィ 代表取締役社長 木村 弘毅氏


セレス株式会社 代表取締役社長 都木 聡氏







We announce that bitbank, inc. (HQ: Shinagawa, Tokyo, Japan CEO: Noriyuki Hirosue; hereinafter referred to as the Company) concluded a capital and business alliance agreement with mixi, Inc. (HQ: Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan, CEO: Koki Kimura, hereinafter referred to as mixi).
The Company closed a funding round of 7.5 billion JPY in total, mixi completed an equity investment of 7 billion JPY in bitbank, inc. by rights offering and additional investment of 500 million JPY by CERES INC.(HQ: Setagaya, Tokyo, Japan, CEO: Satoshi Takagi, hereinafter referred to as Ceres).


Background and objectives of the funding

mixi develops hugely popular communication services aimed at many generations, such as the SNS ”mixi” and the smartphone gaming service “Monster Strike”.
They set “enrich global communication by combining entertainment with technology” as their medium-term management policy and deploy business development strategies using advanced technology in many different segments such as sports, lifestyle and digital entertainment.

The synergy effect between crypto asset related advanced technology, which is the strength of the Company, and the user base and the contents of diversified services of mixi will be enormous. After many discussions between the Company and mixi, we reached the conclusion that through building cooperative partnership, we are sure that we are capable of creating new values as never happened before, taking advantage of our strengths and expertises.

With the funding, the Company will strengthen the fiscal consolidation at the aim of the better protection of users' assets, and will actively invest for the strengthening of the existing business, as well as new business development such as the IEO, staking, custody, the NFT and the L2 payment at the ever growing crypto asset market.

With the rights offering and additional investment, the Company’s ​​cash reserves(including crypto asset) will be approximately 15 billion JPY, the Financial soundness index (equivalent to capital adequacy ratio) based on “Self- Regulatory rule concerning the Payment Services Act” which the JVCEA regulates, will reach 400%.

Major shareholders’ shareholding ratio after the increase of capital will be as follows, and the Company will be the equity-method of mixi and Ceres.

  • Noriyuki Hirosue, Founder & CEO: 31.4%
  • mixi, Inc.: 26.2%
  • CERES INC.: 22.4%


  1. Date of resolution: 2nd September 2021
  2. Date of signing contract: 2nd September 2021

Comments of the investors

President and Representative Director of mixi, Inc. Mr. Koki Kimura

In our society, many things have been digitized and the efficiency of logistics and management has increased. Masslessness is an added value. Currency has become one of them. We are attracted by the advanced technology of bitbank, as bitbank implements advanced security measures and has a stable operation system using advanced technology.
Through our capital and business alliance, we believe that we can grow mutually with the advanced technology of bitbank and our know-how of service development, games & sports IPs and marketing.

President and Representative Director of CERES INC. Mr. Satoshi Takagi

We firstly invested to bitbank in 2015. Although the price of bitcoin was 20,000 JPY and the crypto asset market of Japan was immature, we have developed business believing the innovation would happen through the technology of crypto assets and the blockchain. In 2021, the price of bitcoin reached 7,000,000 JPY and bitbank has become one of the largest exchange in Japan.
By funding together with mixi, we are convinced that we can be the No.1 exchange operator in the ever-growing crypto asset and blockchain industry including the IEO, custody and the NFT.

The situation of crypto asset market and the Company

The crypto asset market has started to be recognized as a genuine asset class. We can recently see some major institutional investors such as Fidelity Bank and BNY Mellon enter into this space. Also, business enterprises like Tesla and Microstrategy hold crypto asset in line with the steady global expansion of its market as well as the increase of its degree of reliability. With such a financial aspect, we can currently find various technical use cases of crypto assets including the NFT and games.

Under these circumstances, our crypto asset exchange “bitbank” expands rapidly - our monthly spot trading volume is 1.4 trillion JPY, traded 33.7% of spot trading volume in the Japanese market and the assets on deposit is 300 billion JPY (as of April 2021). The crypto asset market attracts many industries by its potential for growth. Consequently we expect advanced crypto asset related services integrated by other industries. The Company will show the world the social usefulness of crypto assets and contribute to the growth of the market by creating a use case which employs the technology of crypto assets in collaboration with mixi and Ceres.

bitbank will continue to carry out various activities to promote the spread of cryptocurrency (virtual currencies).


金融庁のホームページに記載された暗号資産交換業者が取り扱う暗号資産(仮想通貨)は、当該暗号資産交換業者の説明に基づき、 資金決済法上の定義に該当することを確認したものにすぎません。金融庁・財務局が、これらの暗号資産(仮想通貨)の価値を保証したり、推奨するものではありません。暗号資産(仮想通貨)は、必ずしも裏付けとなる資産を持つものではありません。暗号資産(仮想通貨)の取引を行う際には、以下の注意点にご留意ください。


暗号資産(仮想通貨)は、日本円やドルなどのように国がその価値を保証している「法定通貨」ではありません。インターネット上でやりとりされる電子データです。暗号資産(仮想通貨)は、価格が変動することがあります。暗号資産(仮想通貨)の価格が急落したり、突然無価値になってしまうなど、損をする可能性があります。 暗号資産交換業者は金融庁・財務局への登録が必要です。当社は登録した暗号資産交換業者です。暗号資産(仮想通貨)の取引を行う場合、事業者から説明を受け、取引内容をよく理解し、ご自身の判断で行ってください。暗号資産(仮想通貨)や詐欺的なコインに関する相談が増えています。暗号資産(仮想通貨)を利用したり、暗号資産交換業の導入に便乗したりする詐欺や悪質商法に御注意ください。






Copyright © Bitbank, Inc.

暗号資産交換業者 登録番号 第00004号

  • 一般社団法人 日本暗号資産取引業協会
  • 一般社団法人 日本暗号資産ビジネス協会